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Q: Was the Doolittle raid a failure or a success?
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Who was the Japanese commander of the the doolittle raid?

The Doolittle Raid was done by the Americans, by Jimmy Doolittle

Who was Jimmie Doolittle?

he was the leader in a famous raid known as "Doolittle's RAID"

What is doolittle?

The Doolittle Raid was the first US air raid on mainland Japan.

Who was the lead poilot of the Tokyo raid?

The raid was done by Colonel Jimmy Doolittle It was called the Doolittle Raid

What is Doolittle Raids?

The Doolittle Raid was the first US air raid on mainland Japan.

What statement best explaines an outcome of the doolittle raid?

The Doolittle raid proved the effectiveness of aircraft carriers

Who was commander of Doolittle's raid?

James Harold "Jimmy" Doolittle .

What was the Doolittle raid that opened the movie Pearl Harbor?

PH occurred in '41; the Doolittle raid occurred in '42.

When did Doolittle Raid happen?

General Doolittle organized the raid on Japan in 1942. Militarily, the Doolittle Raid was meaningless. It involved extreme risk to an aircraft carrier group and throwing away a large number of men and aircraft for very little damage inflicted. Politically, however, the raid was a tremendous success. It showed the public, press, and political leaders that America could strike at Japan. It showed the Japanese that their home islands were subject to bombing, although the majority of Japanese civilians were kept unaware of the raid. The actual date of the raid was April 18, 1942.

What did Japan look like after Doolittle bombed it?

Very much the same. -The Doolittle raid did not do much actual damage, but was a huge propaganda success. The Japanese now feared that American aircraft could strike them at will !

What happened at doolittle's raid on japan?

Air strikes were carried out during the Doolittle Raid on Japan. It took place on April 18, 1942 and is also known as the Tokyo Raid.

What was the retaliation of the attack on Pearl Harbor?

The Doolittle Raid was retaliation for the attack on Pearl Harbor. It occurred on April 18, 1942. It is also referred to as the Tokyo Raid.