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No European Nation supported the French Revolution.

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13y ago

No, most of Europe was against the French Revolution.

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Q: Was the French Revolution supported by other European governments'?
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Spanish supported navy and excellent commanders. French were also a very good help

Why did the European feared the French revolution?

Because European rulers,however,feared the French Revolution. By Peng

Why did European rulers fear the french revolution?

Because European rulers,however,feared the French Revolution. By Peng

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The desire for change sparked the French revolution. Most of the country were peasants and commoners, who supported the idea of change.

Was Napoleon against the French Revolution?

No, he supported the Republicans.

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What view did the political parties of the US take on the French Revolution?

Washington was unhappy about it but the Jeffersonians supported the French Revolution.

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Napoleon :)

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What are the influences of French Revolution in the development of modern political thought?

The French Revolution was a rejection of the previously dominant aristocratic system, which no longer rules any European country, although it persists as a symbolic element of many European governments to this day. The revolutionary ideal of "liberty, equality, and fraternity" was a democratizing influence on modern political thought.

What did Thomas Jefferson believe about the french revolution and reign of terror?

He wholly supported the French Revolution and believed that the Reign of Terror was an understandable, yet regrettable, response to the excesses of the French monarchy.

How did french revolution highlight political differences within the US?

The U.S. was divided on support for the French Revolution, with George Washington urging no involvement in European affairs and Jeffersonians supportive of the French.