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Yes, they where the main reason for it. Hitler was head of the Nazi Party.

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Q: Was the Nazi party involved in the holocaust?
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Why was Adolf Hitler the leader of the Nazi party if only the Nazi party was responsible for the Holocaust?

Adolf was ultimatley at fault for the holocaust. Everyone involved had a hand in what happened to the Jews and they should all be blamed. But without the guidance of Hilter, things might not have happened the way they did.

Who was the worst party to the Jews during the holocaust?

Nazi party

How was Hitler involved with the Nazi party?

He was the leader of the Nazi party.

How was president Hindenburg involved with the holocaust?

He wasn't involved. The Holocaust didn't really start until well after he had died. He was indirectly involved in that he had played a role in Hitler's takeover of Germany in 1933. The Nazi Party's strong antisemitism was well known, but he couldn't have known that it would lead to the horrors of the Holocaust.

Who were the ones in the Nazi Party that most likely got exterminated during the holocaust?

Members of the Nazi Party were not targets.

Why did nazi get involved with Jewish holocaust?

they were more than involved, without them it would not have existed.

Who created spam?

That Nazi Party at the beginning of the Holocaust in 1937.

How did the nazi party carry out holocaust?

A better question is why did we let it happen.

What political party started the Holocaust?

National Socialist German Workers' Party, better known as the Nazi Party.

What is the Nazi Party during the Holocaust?

the Nazi Party was a political group that believed the German government was the reason for the defeat and humiliation of world war 1

What political party was in power in Germany during the 1930s and 1940s?

Nazi or National Socialist German Workers Party.

Who was involved in the rise of the nazi party?

Adolf Hitler