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they were more than involved, without them it would not have existed.

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Q: Why did nazi get involved with Jewish holocaust?
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How do the Jewish people refer to the Nazi's killing of Jews?

The Holocaust

What does the term Nazi have to do with to the Holocaust?

Nazi's put lots of Jewish people in concentration camps and then murdered most of them this event ws known as the holocaust

Were the russiens involved in the hola coust?

No, the Russians were not directly involved in the Holocaust. The Holocaust was perpetrated by Nazi Germany and its collaborators, targeting primarily Jewish people for systematic genocide. However, the Soviet Union did play a significant role in defeating Nazi Germany during World War II.

Was the Nazi party involved in the holocaust?

Yes, they where the main reason for it. Hitler was head of the Nazi Party.

Was Estee Lauder involved in the Nazi Party?

No, she and her family are Jewish.

How did Hitlers antisemitism affect the Jewish people in Germany?

it affected them by the nazi starting the holocaust

How did the people living within Nazi controlled Europe respond to the Holocaust?

Jewish people's life sucked.

When was the Nazi Holocaust exposed?

1945 was when the nazi holocaust was exposed

What groups allowed the Holocaust to happen?

The Nazi Party of Germany allowed the Holocaust to happen so the German people would be unified against the Jewish people.

Who propelled the Holocaust?

All the Nazi leaders were heavily involved. The SS was very zealous in carrying out the Holocaust, with Himmler and Heydrich playing key roles.

Why did the Nazi's think the Holocaust was ok?

because no one objected to their anti-Jewish measures in the thirties, no one took in the Jews when they could and no one tried to stop the Holocaust.

How was president Hindenburg involved with the holocaust?

He wasn't involved. The Holocaust didn't really start until well after he had died. He was indirectly involved in that he had played a role in Hitler's takeover of Germany in 1933. The Nazi Party's strong antisemitism was well known, but he couldn't have known that it would lead to the horrors of the Holocaust.