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The Third Reich refers to the whole of the period when the Nazis were in power (1933-45); the Holocaust usually refers to the period of the systematic mass extermination of the Jews from 1941-45.

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No, the Holocaust is not the same thing as the third Reich. The Third Reich is the term used by the Nazis to denote their own ruleof Germany. That is to say, they considered Nazi Germany to be a new kind of Germany, under a whole new "system". If you are couting, the first Reich was the Holy Roman Empire established in the 9th century AD and the second Reich was the united Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm I in 1871. Hitler's Third Reich was another change in theform of government that revolutionized the way Germany functioned as a nation. The Holocaust is one action taken by the third Reich. Essentially, your question is like "Is the War of 1812 the same thing as the Madison Administration?" The Holocaust was something that happened during the Third Reich.

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The Third Reich or the Holocaust

Meaning of holocaust?

It is a term used to describe the persecution of the Jews during the era of the Third Reich and Adolf Hitler.

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During the "Third Reich" from early 1930's up to the end of the second world war the army was called the "Wehrmacht"

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Deutsches Reich, or the Third Reich.

Why was Hitler's reign called the third Reich?

Reich means Realm, or Kingdom, or empire. The first Reich was the Holy Roman Empire (heiliges Romisches Reich) The second Reich is the term for unified Germany, (before and during world war 1) the Third Reich is NAZI Germany.

What was Canada's reaction to the Holocaust?

Canada was quite indifferent to the Holocaust while it was happening, although in subsequent years Canada joined in the general world-wide disapproval of that atrocity. During WW II Canada fought very hard to defeat the Third Reich, but not out of concern for the Holocaust, only out of concern that Canada would wind up being conquered by the Third Reich (as so many other nations had been) if they were not stopped.Canada's position on the genocide of the Jews during World War 2's holocaust was the same as the US position. It was atrocious, brutal, a crime and they were all for the war crimes tribunal executing the Nazi leaders for what thy did to the Jews.

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the third empire, or third Reich, was the empire of Germany in which Hitler was leader

What did the SS have to do with the Holocaust?

The SS ran the concentration camps and extermination camps and organized the holocaust.

Who was leader of Germany during the Third Reich?

At the time of the third reich, Adolf Hitler was the totalitarian dictator, or "the fuehrer" (german for leader).

Name that Hitler gave his government?

Hitler's regime was officially known as Deutsches Reich (from 1933-1943) and Großdeutsches Reich (from 1943-1945). The term Drittes Reich (Third Reich) was never an official term and only used occasionally by the Nazis for propagandistic purposes.

Germany's government during the Holocaust?

The German Government began its involvement with the Nuremberg Laws. The first of which was the "Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor" which forbade intermarriage between Germans and Jews, and the second called the "Reich Citizenship Law" which stripped all Jews of citizenship. This was a formal decleration in which the German government deprived individuals of their rights and set them apart as a second class or nationals. The rest of the Holocaust simply fell into place because it was now "legal".

What nation did the Third Reich control the fate of?

The Third Reich was in control of Germany.