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No it was not fortunately.

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Q: Was the Titanic filled to full capacity?
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How many people did the rescue boats on the titanic hold when filled to capacity?

The lifeboats on Titanic were not filled to capacity but they did hold 712 survivors.

How many boats left the titanic at full capacity?

Two boats were filled with 70 people. Lifeboats #11 and #15.

How many people could those lifeboats have saved if filled to capacity on the titanic?

1,228 if all boats were filled to capacity.

How many people the lifeboats in Titanic could've saved if it filled its capacity?

About 1,200

What is the capacity of the Titanic boat?

the boat capasity is 1169 and 1089 of that was filled with boat capasity !!!

If all the ships lifeboats were filled to capacity how many people could have been saved?

the capacity of the boats on Titanic was 1,178. 2,208 people were sailing her the night of the sinking. If all seats were occupied, then 1030 people would still be on Titanic (as opposed to the 1,496 that really were).

Would everyone on the Titanic lived if they filled up the boats?

No, even at capacity, there were only enough life boats for about half of passengers on board. More would have been saved if the boats were filled at capacity, but not all.

How many people could the Titanic's lifeoats hold if they were filled to capacity?

64, but the first one left with 23 which is stupid

How many passengers on the Titanic when full?

The Titanic had a capacity of 3,547 passengers and crew members. When the Titanic left Southampton and sank, there was room for 1,324 more passengers/crew members.

How many people could fit in all of the Titanic life boats could have saved if filled to capacity?

About one half of the people on board.

How come more humans died on the titanic than lived in real life?

Because there weren't enough lifeboats on the ship to hold every single person on board, and the lifeboats werent even filled to full capacity, all made to hold 60 men but some were only filled with 12 people.

Why did they use all the seats in the life boats on the titanic?

I think you worded that wrong. The ifeboats on Titanic WERENT completely seated when they departed. The reason for this was because they were afraid that if you filled it to maximum capacity, then it would flood and sink, which it wouldn't!