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No. The "Big Bang" hypothesis of the origin of the Universe developed in the 1930's and was widely ridiculed until about 1965 or so. In fact, the name "big bang" was coined by Sir Fred Hoyle, a British astronomer who intended to mock the idea.

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Q: Was the big bang theory first proposed in the 1820's?
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When was the big bang theory suggested?

Georges Lemaitre proposed the Big bang in 1927.

Who explained big bang theory?

Georges Lemaitre proposed a concept which later, became popularised as 'The Big Bang Theory'

Why is Fred Hoyle famous?

he proposed the big bang theory.

When did Georges Lemaitre die?

Proposed the Big Bang Theory.

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"Lenny, Penny, and Kenny" was the proposed title for the show that became The Big Bang Theory.

Did the Catholic Church discover the Big Bang?

The Catholic Church, per se, did not 'discover' the Big Bang Theory. However, the original theory was first proposed by a Catholic monsignor from Belgium, Father George Lemaitre, in 1933, after reading Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

When do scientists think the Big Bang theory happened?

The Big Bang theory was proposed (happened) in the middle of the 20th Century.The theory, and the work exploring it, suggest that the Big Bang happened about 13.7 billion years ago.

Who proposed what is known as big bang theory?

Jesuit priest George LeMaitre first proposed the idea that our Universe is expanding over time. Edwin Hubble provided the first astronomical evidence that LeMaitre was correct.

Who proposed what is known as the big bang theory?

Jesuit priest George LeMaitre first proposed the idea that our Universe is expanding over time. Edwin Hubble provided the first astronomical evidence that LeMaitre was correct.

Who proposed big bang theory?

Jesuit priest Georges LeMaitre, doing so in 1927.

What is the official date of the big bang theory?

Georges Lemaître proposed what later became known as the Big Bang theory in 1946.He called it L'Hypothèse de l'atome primitif" (Hypothesis of the primeval atom).

What was the scientific theory on creation before the big bang theory?

Before LeMaitre first proposed his Big Bang thesis, many scientists believed that the universe was static - whether or not they believed it was eternal. Even after the Big Bang model gained support and was confirmed through the evidence, Einstein had some trouble accepting it, favouring a static model as he did.