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No, I mean it only killed like 1/3 of Europes population. No big deal right?

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Q: Was the bubonic plague the most violent sickness in the world?
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How did bubonic plague spread?

the world was dirty

What is the real common name for plague?

The common name for bubonic plague is the Black Death.

What will the world be without fleas?

There would be less bubonic plague'

Where in the world did the bubonic plague hit?

Europe, and Asia mostly

What specific disease was the plague in 1593-1594?

That fateful year saw the world's population enduring what is believed to be a recurrence of the bubonic plague, also known as the Black Death or the Black Plague. It is further widely believed that the Black Death was responsible for the deaths of 38,000 Londoners that year.

What is the original name for black death?

The black death is also known as 'The Black Plague' but the scientific name for it is the bubonic plague.

Is black death rare to get today?

Bubonic plague does still exist in the world, but it is rare.

What was the cure for the Bubonic Plauge?

To be honest i don't think their is a cure. I know a solution was to incinerate the bodies to prevent farther spread. And staying away from people was usual.

What kind of epidemic struck Europe during World War 1?

The Black Death. Otherwise known as the Bubonic Plague, or Oimmeddam, this plague killed anywhere from 25-200 million people in Europe.

Is bubonic plague fully eradicated?

No, bubonic plague is not fully eradicated. It still exists in some parts of the world, particularly in rural areas of Africa, Asia, and South America. Outbreaks can occur but are usually controlled through public health measures.

What disease is the greatest killer world wide?

The Bubonic Plague was the biggest killer wiped out half of the Europeans during Medevil times

Who is the affected population of the Bubonic Plague?

-If you mean what percentage was affected, then it was 33%. -If you are asking what area of the world , it was mainly Europe that Black Death was affecting.