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Q: Was the church a large landowner and was responsible for many fiefs?
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What is a large landowner?

It is a person who owns a large piece of land

What is a daimos?

A feudal lord of Japan who was a large landowner.

What classes of people were there in ancient Greece?

The large landowner minority. The small landowner majority. Non-propertied men. Women. Aliens. Serfs and slaves.

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What does the word wealthy landowner mean?

A rich landowner is a person who owns and uses a large amount of land. A noble is a person who has a royal background or is associated with nobility. A person can certainly be both.

What is a large church called?

A large church is a basilica. A Cathedral is the bishop's church, these are usually large too. Another word is 'MINSTER' as in 'York Minster

What role was a Baron in medieval times?

What role did a medieval baron play?It was the rank if noblitly.

A large section of land granted by a king to a lord is called a?

Fiefs were portions of lands granted to nobles by the king. The king required loyalty, protection, and service for this land.

Where does logging takes place?

Anywhere the landowner has trees that the logger can cut. The pacific northwest and Maine are large logging areas, as is western Canada. But there are certainly large logging operations in the southern states also.

How was fief-holding and manorialism related?

Fief-holding was a system in which vassals were granted land (fiefs) by lords in exchange for loyalty and military service. Manorialism, on the other hand, was an economic system centered around the manor, a large estate controlled by a lord. Fiefs were often part of manors, with vassals holding land from the lord within the manor and providing labor and resources in return.

How did Martin Luther's actives hurt the church?

Martin Luther was responsible of putting his 95 theses in the church of Witenburg and he also burned the Papal bull issued by the pope in front of a large crowd. He was invited to the diet of the worms but he still refused to recant his ideas. His activities has made chaos in the church, and even the pope had to make a move.

What do you call a large church?

A cathedral.