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Q: Was the colony of New Jersey a part of the colony of New York?
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What colony were new york and new jersey part of?

They were part of the british empire

Which colony is west of New Jersey?

Pennsylvania Also, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia. Northwest of New Jersey there is part of New York and part of Canada, which was a colony. South and West of New Jersey are the Carolinas Georgia and Florida.

When did new jersey become a colony?

The New Jersey colony was founded in 1664. It was originally part of New York.

Why did New Jersey split from New York?

New Jersey was originally part of the Dutch New Netherland colony. When James Duke of York (eventually King James II) was given the New York colony by the king in 1665, he gave part of it to a creditor to pay off a debt and another bit a friend. Those two regions became the province of New Jersey.

How were the colonies of New York and New Jersey different?

New Jersey was a royal colony and New York was a proprietary colony. They both were colonies and They both have New in their names.

Which colony was New York originally part of?

New York was originally part of the New Netherlands colony.

What are the middle colony?

New York, New Jersey, Delaware and, Pennsylvania

What colony was created when New York was split?

New Jersey

Is New Jersey a middle colony?

Yes, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware

Was New york originally part of British colony?

The Colony that was originally part of New York is New Jersey. This area was settle by the Dutch. New Jersey was called New Netherland and contained parts of what is now New York. New York was called New Amsterdam.

What colony did the Duke of york split int New York and New Jersey?

New Netherland

How are New Jersey colony and New York colony the same?

Because they both have the word "new" in there name.