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The Declaration of Independence of the 13 American colonies issued this document and the date is considered to be the birth of a new nation. A war with Great Britain would, however, be required to win independence. The creation of the United States came much later in 1789 with the ratification of the US Constitution. This governing document was a milestone in world history. The USA became the first true republic since ancient Rome had a "republic.
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Q: Was the constitution ratified on July 4 1776?
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What was the official date ratified?

July 4 1776

When was the constitution written and signed?

July 4, 1776

When was the U.S. Constitution written and signed?

July 4, 1776

When was the constitution officially ratified?

I am not sure. I am also wondering the same question. I have a booklet in front of me with these choices: July 4, 1776 ; March 4, 1789 ; January 24, 1791 ; May 1, 1803. Doubt this helped, but atleast it narrowed your year down.

Which is not a measurement for deceleration?

The measurements for the Declaration of Independence are 24.5 inches wide and 29.75 inches high. The Declaration was created between June and July 1776 and ratified on July 4, 1776.

The us is about how old?

Began July 4, 1776.Began July 4, 1776.Began July 4, 1776.Began July 4, 1776.Began July 4, 1776.Began July 4, 1776.

When did the constitution become law?

June 21, 1788

What was adopted on July 4 1776 philledelphia by the coninental congress?

The Declaration of Independence was adopted and signed on July 4, 1776.

When was South Dakota's constitution ratified?

It was adopted by Congress on July 4, 1889. It was ratified by vote of the People on October 1, 1889.

Was the constitution written in 1587 and ratified in 1589?

The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776. However, it wasn't until September 17, 1787 that the Constitution was ratified. Before the Constitution there was another document in place called the Articles of Confederation, but they failed since they limited the power of the federal government so much that they could not properly function or get anything done.

What day of the week was the constitution signed?

june 21,1788

On what date was the declaration of independece signed?

By The Continental Congress On July 4, 1776.