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When Andrew found the little boy with five barley loaves and there were exactly two small fish.

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11y ago

The Bible doesn't say but I think they were, otherwise they would be getting a bit smelly by dinner time.

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9y ago

two fish and 5 loaves of bread

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Q: Was the fish Jesus Fed to the 5000 cooked?
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How many fish in Jesus feeding 4000?

Two fish and five loaves of bread fed 5000.

What did Jesus do with the leftover fish and crumbs he fed the five thousand with?

Jesus prayed over the food and then fed 5000 people, later five baskets were filled with the crumbs.

Need the scripture verse where Jesus feed 3000 not 5000?

There was not a time, that Jesus fed 3000 people, the other time that He fed the multitude, apart from the 5000, was in Mark 8:1-9, when He fed 4000 people. I hope this answers your question.

Why did many people stop following Jesus after he fed the 5000?

That’s false

How may miricals did Jesus perform?

Fed 5000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish, turned water into wine, raised Lazarus from the dead, walked on water, etcetc

When did Jesus feed the disciples by the sea?

Yes Jesus fed the disciples by the sea, after they came tired from fishing.

What size were the 12 baskets used to collect left-over pieces of bread when Jesus fed the 5000?

The 12 baskets used to collect the left-over pieces of bread after Jesus fed the 5000 were likely around the size of a hand-held basket, typically used for carrying food or other items. The specific size is not mentioned in the Bible.

What were the two occasions god fed the masses with five loaves and three fish?

Here it was Jesus and not god who fed the 5,000 people.

What is the bible reference for the 'loaves and the fishes'?

Matthew 14:14-22 describes the miracle where Jesus fed over 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish.(Luke 9:130(John 6:9)

Does Jesus get upset when you kill bugs and fish?

He fed fish to the masses, so probably no on the other also since lower life form.

What is the significance of fish in the bible?

Jesus fed five thousand with two fishes , and his disciples were fishermen.

What are the differences in Mark and Mathew in Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand?

In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus feeds the five thousand with five loaves of bread and two fish, and afterward, there are twelve basketfuls of leftovers. In the Gospel of Matthew, the same miracle occurs but with an additional mention of the women and children who were present.