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Q: Was the landing on Omaha really that bad?
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Why was Omaha Beach attacked on D-Day?

Omaha was attacked because there was really no other possible landing spots allong the 250mile beach of Normandy other than that of the other 5 beaches.

What were the men transported by on Omaha Beach?

LCI's (landing craft infantry)

One of the landing beaches in Normandy?

There were five....... Utah,Omaha,Juno,Sword and Gold......................

.beach one of the main landing points of allied invasion June 1944?


Which of these theaters of world was II was most closely associated with the allied landing at Omaha beach?


What are the five landing sites of D-Day?

Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword beaches.

What is the name for a bad landing by an airplane?

a hard landing

How old is Omaha?

?? Question is meaningless?? Omaha Beach was a code name given to the location of one of the landing sites at Normandy. The invasion took place on 6 June 1944.

Which theater of World War II was most closely associated with the allied landing at Omaha beach?

The Mediterranean Area was closely associated with the Invasion of Sicily.

How old is Omaha Beach?

?? Question is meaningless?? Omaha Beach was a code name given to the location of one of the landing sites at Normandy. The invasion took place on 6 June 1944.

What city and state were honored by having Normandy landing beaches named after them?

Omaha and Utah were the city and state honored by having the landing beaches named after them while the other landing beaches were named Gold, Juno, and Sword

How large was the American landing force at Normandy?

The entire American landing force, by parachute, sea and gliders was about 70,000 troops. Most landed by sea on Utah and Omaha Beaches.