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Yes, there was a full moon on Dec. 2 and again on Dec. 31, 2009. The second one was the blue moon.

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Q: Was the moon blue on new years?
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Related questions

When was New Blue Moon created?

New Blue Moon was created in 1990.

Is there going to be a blue moon on New Year's Eve?

Yes. In fact, it is the first time in almost 20 years that there is going to be a blue moon on New Years Eve. It wont happen again until 2028. I found this info out in the national geographic website.

Where is a blue moon found?

A blue moon is when a full or new moon occurs twice in a month.

Why do they call it a blue moon?

A blue moon appears once every two or three years. It is an astronomical phenomenon where the moon actually colors blue. This is why it is called a 'blue moon'.

How often does a blue moon occur on New Years' Eve?

The term "Blue Moon" refers to the second full moon in any single month, so.. if you have a full moon on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd (in months with 31 days) you will have a "blue moon" 28 days later. The event itself is a rarity, thus the phase "once in a blue moon". Blue moons happen approximately every 2.5 years. The last New Year's Eve blue moon was in 1990. The next will be in 2028. Fortunately for New Year's Eve revelers, full moons are also known for stirring up emotions and sparking wild revelry. So be sure to look up and raise your glass as you ring in 2010.

Why is a blue moon every 3 years?

The moon is called a blue moon every 2.7 years because this is the only time in that period of years that there is a full moon twice in a month. There was one on the second of September and one today.

When is the blue moon in December 2009?

A blue moon is a full moon that is not timed to the regular monthly pattern. Most years have twelve full moons which occur approximately monthly, but in addition to those twelve full lunar cycles, each calendar year contains an excess of roughly eleven days. The extra days accumulate, so that every two or three years (on average about every 2.7154 years) there is an extra full moon. The extra moon is called a "blue moon."

How did Krakatoa effect the moon?

It was blue for 2 years

What is the second moon in a month called?

Its fairly rare, but sometimes a second new moon may appear in a month, called a 'blue moon'.

How long does the blue moon last for?

There is no such thing, the saying 'once in a blue moon' is a way of saying never ^^^thats wrong. theres a blue moon tomorrow night. Wont be another one for 3 years.

Does the blue moon refer to a blue colored moon?

No, a "blue moon" is the second full moon in a single calendar month. On occasion the moon will rise with a slightly blueish or even lavender cast to it, but they are even rarer than the traditional "blue moon." On an additional note, the second new moon in a single calendar month is called a "black moon" and is similarly rare.

Is it possible to have a blue moon and a solar eclipse at the same time?

No. A blue moon happens when there is a second full moon. A solar eclipse happens when there is a new moon and it is right between the sun and the earth. But it is possible to have a blue moon and a lunar eclipse at the same time.