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Neither, really. It was tunneled by workers working for Caliph al-Ma'mun in approximately 820CE. The name "robbers tunnel" is a bit of a misnomer. The true entrance was already known and had been used to reach the descending passage so it seems likely that this tunnel was bored in an attempt to remove something. It may have been bored from the inside-out. It is used today as the entrance but received its name because it was assumed for centuries that al-Ma'mun drilled the tunnel to "rob" the riches. Though this occurred in the year 820, that's still 3380 years after the pyramid was built. It is unknown if they found anything removable. It may have already been emptied or it may have always been empty (these "robbers" also drilled up into -and discovered- the ascending passage and the Grand Gallery).

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Q: Was the robbers tunnel in the great pyramid of Giza dug to imprizon robbers or for them to get inside through?
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