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I believe that there were safehouses throughout Georgia (primarily in the Savannah area).

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Q: Was there a route for the underground railroad from Georgia to Canada?
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What was the Underground Railroad?

The underground railroad was an informal network of people who, although in violation of the "Fugitive Slave Act" helped escaped slaves reach freedom in Northern States or Canada.The underground railroad wasn't actually a railroad nor was it underground. It was actually a system where slaves would go from house to house until they could escape to freedom. The underground railroad was an escape route for slaves to travel from safe house to safe house and head to the north.It was an 'underground' organization. That is, it was not publicized, and kept secret from authorities at the time. It was called a railroad, because the way it was organized was akin to the way railroads were run. With various stops along the way (Safe houses) and conductors leading them (Often born-free blacks).Harriet Tubman was a major figure in the history of the underground railroad.The Underground Railroad was used to help slaves in the U.S. escape to states that were free.

What was the route of the underground railroad?

There were several different routes taken by slaves along the Underground Railroad. Some went to the Caribbean, to Mexico, to the northern United States, and even to Canada. Routes out of the deep south ran upward into places like Philadelphia and other free states.

How long did it take for slaves to escape?

It took slaves an average of 15 months to escape if they started at the beginning of the Underground Railroad. The escape route was 234 miles long.

Who established a secret route that escaped the slaves?

She was not the only one who assisted in creating the Underground Railroad, however Harriet Tubman is most renowned for her advent of a secret route between various "safe houses" that courriered escaped slaves from the Southern United States to the North.

How long did the overland route take after the transcontinental railroad was finished?

It took 6 years to build the transcontinental railroad which was through the years of 1863 from May 10th to the year 1869. Some say 20 years. Overland route came after.

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What was the secret route used by American slaves to escape to freedom in Canada called?

Underground Railroad

What route did black slaves from the US take to get to Canada?

slaves got to canada by the underground railroad there were many routes of the underground railroads and they took boats on top of rivers

What was the undeground railroad?

The Underground Railroad was a secret route that led slaves to freedom.

What route did Harriet Tubman take?

The Underground Railroad.

Where wasn't the underground railroad route to?

The South States

Does the underground railroad run through Mt Rushmore?

no the underground railroad was not even a tangible thing it was a route from the Confederate South to the Union North as an escape route for slaves

In 1838 what very dangerous route to freedom was organized?

the underground railroad.

Why was the route taken by slaves called the Underground Railroad?

because it was secret

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The Underground Railroad was a way that slaves escaped to freedom. The Mormon Trail was a route the Mormons took to find religious freedom.

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How many slaves escape using the underground railroad?

There is no way to tell exactly how many slaves escaped using the underground railroad. This was a successful route to freedom for a great many.

How the underground railroad provided a route towards the civil rights movement in the 1960s?

you tell me