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Q: Was there any consequences in Hernando de sotos exploration?
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Did Jacques Cartier have any consequences from his exploration?

Yes, Jacques Cartier's exploration of Canada opened up North America to future French colonization. His expeditions led to increased European presence in the region, which had both positive and negative consequences for indigenous populations. Cartier's voyages also contributed to France's territorial claims in North America.

Is there any effects of Hernando de soto's exploration?

the rivers that he discovered and Florida

Why was Hernando de soto's expedition a failure?

they didnt find any gold

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Hernando Cortez died from Plerisy at the age of 62

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the Arkansas Indian's. those are Hernando's first encounters

Who sponsored exploration during the age of exploration?

any country could sponsor any country

Are there any consequences for consequences?

Yes, the feeling of regret.

Where any of Livingstone's exploration in the northern hemisphere?

Livingstone's explorations were primarily focused on the southern hemisphere, particularly in Africa. He is well-known for his expeditions in regions like present-day Zambia, Malawi, and Tanzania, as well as for being one of the first Europeans to see and document Victoria Falls.

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How much riches did Hernando Cortes find?

he did not "find" any, he stole it.

Did Hernando cortez have any silbings?

yes 5o sisters and 32 brothers