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Q: Was there ever a different type of government besides a presidentail democratic republic in Costa Rica?
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The United States government is a democratic republic.

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What does constitutional democratic republic do?

It just is a government that has a constitution, is republic, and democratic at the same time.

Does America have a truly democratic government?

No. We are considered a democratic republic.

Democratic Republic of the Congo's Government?

the government is a transitional government.

Is Peru a republic or a democracy government?

Both, it is a democratic republic.

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What does democratic republic mean?

A nation with a constitution is a republic. A nation that elects the head of the state and representatives in the parliament to form a government is democratic. Democratic Republic is a form of government elected by the people with the constitutional head in accordance to the constitution is a Republic.

What type of government does India have today?

Federal Republic Federal Republic Federal Republic

What type of government does Mozambique have?

There is actually a debate as to which government it is some say democratic or republic but according to it is a republic founded on being a rebulic :) and also that what I put in my report

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How many different types of government are there in the world?

there are 5 current types of government, of which include communism, anarchy, republic, democratic, and monarch