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Q: Was there evidence to prove the phlogiston theory correct?
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How was Dalton's atomic theory similar to Democritus atomic theory?

They both proposed the theory that all matter consists of atoms.

How can an stm help improve daltons theory?

How can an STM help prove Daltons theory

Theory stating that the sun contains a small amount of platinum using what you know about spectroscopy explain how i might prove or disprove this theory?

We cannot tell you how to explain a theory with what we know. You must explain it with what you know.

Who is democratis and what was his theory of atoms?

Democratis was a greek philosopher who lived about 2500 years ago. He decied to think that everyting is made up of small things that can not be divided and he called them atomos which means uncut. He thought the atoms in liquids were round and smoothe but the atoms in solids were rough and prickley. He did nothing to prove this and later Aristotle decided falsely that there was no limit to how many times something can be divided (also with no evidence).

How did John Dalton Prove his atomic theory?

The five main points of John Dalton's atomic theory are as followed: · Elements are made of tiny particles called atoms. · All atoms of a given element are identical. · The atoms of a given element are different from those of any other element. · Atoms of one element can combine with atoms of other elements to form compounds. · A given compound always has the same relative numbers of types of atoms. · Atoms cannot be created, divided into smaller particles, nor destroyed in the chemical process. A chemical reaction simply changes the way atoms are grouped together.

Related questions

What evidence was there to prove that the phlogiston pheory was correct?

1. I believe that theories can only be disproven, not proven. i.e. You create a theory and then you try to disprove it, if you can't then you can consider that theory to be true (convicing other people may be more difficult however). 2. I think the theory you describe is disproven as and todays equivalent is what we now know as 'oxidation'.

What were the four types of evidence Wegener showed to prove his theory?


How can you prove that this theory is correct?

In science, a theory is, by definition, proven and accepted as fact.

What is statistical evidence?

Statistical evidence is a set or collection of numbers that prove a theory or story to be true.

What are 2 main pieces of evidence that prove wegner's theory?


What evidence did Arthur Holmes have to support his theory?

he didn't have anything to prove

Why did most scientists reject Wegner theory for nearly a half century?

They rejected Wenger's theory for half a century because he didn't have the evidence to prove his theory No, He did have evidence to prove his theory, they just did not believe him- TheSystem because of their lack of knowledge of the Earth He actually had evidence, but it was actually because the hypothesis interferred with their own hypothesis about how mountains form.

What did Alfred Weneger try to prove?

Alfred Weneger was trying to prove his theory of Continental Drift. Many other scientists before him had the same theory, but they never could prove it. He had five pieces of evidence.

How was Dalton's atomic theory similar to democritus's atomic theory?

They both thought the same theory but Dalton had evidence to prove it, unlike Democritus.

Is a kracken real?

i believe that the kracken really does exist, but we have no real evidence to prove that theory.....

Why were most scientists disagreeing with Alfred Wegeners continental drift theory?

There was no evidence to prove it

Future evidence can prove a scientific theory to be incorrect.Is the following true or false?
