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Yes, there was. If there wasn't, no life on Earth (including the dinosaurs) would exist. It is believed, however, that the relative amounts of atmospheric gasses during the time of the dinosaurs may have been notably different than they are now, but there is no question that oxygen was part of earth's atmosphere at that time.

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13y ago

The oxygen levels were 30% higher on average than they are today. Note that because the Jurassic lasted for over 50 million years, oxygen levels may have varied somewhat over that time, and 30% higher than today is an average.

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11y ago

Yes there was, cus those are dinosaurs and they have bug lungs and needed more oxygen in case, but I heard that there was no air and that a blue-green algae made air and then plants started growing

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10y ago

During the dinosaur age, levels of carbon dioxide were higher than they are today. The average global temperature was also higher. During the first period of the Mesozoic, the Triassic, oxygen levels were, on average, only 80% of that of today. In the Jurassic and Cretaceous, oxygen levels were higher than they are today.

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