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They never used hydrogen bombs in Japan. They used nuclear bombs which produces gamma rays not the lethal doses of x-rays produced by the hydrogen bomb.

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Q: Was using the hydrogen bombs on japan necessary?
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Why did they stop using atomic bombs?

If you are referring to WW2, then the US stopped using atomic bombs on Japan because Japan agreed to surrender. Had they not, the US had plans and production setup to drop a total of 23 atomic bombs on Japan in 1945.

Was it necessary for the US to drop an atomic bomb on Japan?

It would have been possible for the US to defeat Japan without using atomic bombs, however, there was a strategic reason for using the bombs, which was that Russia had entered the war and was intent on occupying Japan in much the way that they took over eastern Europe, and note that there is still one Japanese island occupied by Russia to this day, in 2011. So the US, which even before WW II was entirely over was already making plans for the Cold War to come, needed to bring the war with Japan to a rapid conclusion, and they were able to do that by using atomic bombs.

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Because he leaned towards a view of war being necessary, and the american people just wanted peace and isolationism for the most part.

Reason for not using the atomic bomb?

If the tested bomb had not worked it is likely they would have tried dropping the other bombs.If Japan had surrender prior to the dates the bombs were to be dropped then the bombs would not have been dropped on Japan.

Why were atomic bombs used in Japan?

To end the war ASAP!

How did president Harry Truman explain using atomic bombs on japan in 1945?

He stated that he wanted to end the war and collapse Japan's means to make war.

What is a good reason for using atomic bombs against japan?

I think the only good reason was to bring the war to an end.

Did hydrogen bombs get dropped on Hiroshima?

No, the bomb dropped on Hiroshima was an atomic bomb using uranium as the fissile material.

What was the largest nuclear bomb?

When people talk about nuclear bombs, they are generally in two categories; atomic and thermonuclear. Atomic bombs are like the ones dropped on Japan in 1945.Thermonuclear bombs have never been used in warfare and involve using an atomic bomb to set off an explosion of a thermonuclear bomb, like a hydrogen bomb.IN ADDITION:The Soviet exploded the largest nuclear bomb to date back in 1961. It was a hydrogen bomb which released energy equivalent to 57 megatons of TNT. Compare that to the 15 kilotons of energy released by the first atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima Japan during WWII ( 3,800 times more energy released). The name of this device was Tsar Bomba, meaning "king of bombs."

What year did you bomb Japan?

Well I personally didn't do it but the United States dropped two atom bombs on Japan in 1945. There was also the Doolittle raid in 1942 using conventional bombs and several other bombing missions using conventional bombs in early 1945. All of this was retaliation for the Japanese bombing our ships and Harbor on Decemeber 7, 1941 and waging war against us and our allies after that.

What reason did President Harry S. Truman give for using atomic bombs?

To save the lives of American GI's who were slated to invade Japan.

What other ways could Truman defeat Japan with out using atomic bombs?

he could have invaded but that would cause far more caualties