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water tension

Water is pumped up mainly due to transpiration pull. It is the process of leaving water as vapour from plants

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capillary action

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Xylem moves the water and nutrients in what direction?


Why does hot water move?

It moves upward just as hotter air does.

What substance undergoes osmosis?

Water moves across the cell membrane through the process of osmosis.

Water moves through a plant because of the property of?

capillary action

What type of heat transfer occurs to water boiling in a pot?

The heat transfer in this scenario is primarily through conduction, where heat is transferred from the pot to the water through direct contact. As the water at the bottom of the pot absorbs heat, it becomes less dense and starts to rise, leading to a process of convection where the warmer water moves upward and the cooler water moves downward.

Why does a plant's transport of sugar differ from its transport of water?

Because sugar is transported through phloem and water is transported through xylem.

Why does padding left in a canoe steer you right?

Because when you push the water, you are using the opposite force of the way that you want to go. Like on a rocket, the exhaust moves downward, but as a result, the rocket moves upward.

What pump moves hot water?

The pump that moves hot water through a hot water heater is the recirculation pump. This pump moves the water through the heater and back through the intake line.

When a body move upward in a lift what will be effect on its weight?

When a body moves upward in a lift, its weight will temporarily increase. This is because the lift is exerting an upward force on the body, causing it to experience a higher apparent weight than when it is at rest.

What is the main source of energy that moves water upward in the trunk of a tree?

Transpiration is the main process that moves water upward in the trunk of a tree. This involves the evaporation of water from the leaves, creating a negative pressure in the xylem vessels which pulls up more water from the roots to replace it. This process is driven by the cohesion and adhesion properties of water molecules.

What happens to water vapor as it moves upward in the air?

As water vapor moves upward in the air, it cools down, causing it to condense into liquid water droplets. This process forms clouds, which can eventually lead to precipitation if the droplets combine and grow heavy enough to fall as rain or snow.

Where the water droplets came from?

There is lot of water on the earth in sea,ponds,etc. because of heating due to sunlight or other causes it is converted into steam and moves upward then after condensing it is collected in the form of clouds.