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Those would be transverse waves!

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Q: Waves in which the particles vibrate in an up-and down motion are called?
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What is wave in which particles in the medium vibrate in an up an and down motion?

transverse waves

What are waves in which the particles vibrate back and forth along the path that the wave travels called?

Compression waves (as opposed to transverse waves).

What is the wave motion in which particles vibrate back and forth in the same direction as the wave travels called?

Longitudinal wave. (as opposed to Transverse waves, where the vibrations are perpendicular to the direction of movement.)

These waves cause back and forth motion?

The type of seismic waves that cause back and forth motions are P waves. P waves cause particles in material to vibrate back and forth.

What is the difference between how transverse waves and longitudinal waves move particles?

In transverse waves, particles move in a parallel & perpendicular direction relative to the direction of energy transport.

What are longitudenal waves?

They are Waves that vibrate particles back and forth like this :::::: : : : : : : ::::::: : : : : :::::::: : : : : :::::::: : : : : ::::::: The ones close together are called compression the ones further apart are called rarefaction.

do particles vibrate in the direction of wave motion in transverse waves?

In a transverse wave the particle displacement is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation (at right angles). In a longitudinal wave the particle displacement is parallel to the direction of wave propagation.

What produced when energy causes particles to vibrate in waves?


What is produced when energy causes particles to vibrate in waves?


What is heat energy that is transferred by particles or waves called?

Particles is one thing, waves is something else. Heat transferred by the motion of particles can be conduction or convection. Heat transferred by electromagnetic waves is radiation.

What waves is a primary wave?

Cause rock particles to vibrate in same direction that waves travel

In which type of waves do the particles in a medium vibrate in a the same direction the wave is moving?

Longitudinal waves