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In doing some research on sliding screen doors, it seems the most durable material for the actual screen mesh is stainless steel. The following URL will give you an idea of a good sliding metal door that will work with your tracking system

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Q: We are having problems with grasshoppers eating holes in our screen on our back porch. What type of screen is grasshopper resistant that can be rolled in the old tracks?
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Related questions

What are facts about grasshopper?

grasshoppers are mostly herbivores.A grasshoppers diet consists of a variety of plants, some prefer grass.A grasshopper can be 1/2in to 1in long but some are much larger.the grasshopper never dies of old age

Can grasshoppers crawl?

No, a grasshopper cannot crawl. A grasshopper's rear legs are bent in the opposite direction of a human's legs, so it is impossible for a grasshopper to crawl on its knees like a human.

How does biotechnology reduce use of pesticides?

If you have a problem with grasshoppers there are several different ways to solve the problem. Droping housebricks onto grasshoppers will crush grasshopper. Spray grasshopper with chemical poison will kill grasshoppers and any grasshoppers that come along later and start eating. Biotechnology finds and breeds large numbers of bugs-that-eat-grashoppers and then releases the bugs into a grasshopper infested area.

Does praying mantis feed on grasshoppers?

Yes.. I have just seen a u tube clip of one eating a grasshopper..

What is a grasshoppers lifestyle?

The life of a grasshopper consists of eating and staying away from predators. They like to eat grasses and leaves.

Do bears eat grasshoppers?

Bears are omnivores like humans. This means they eat meat and plants. If a grasshopper was on the menus a bear wouldn't have a problem eating it. But it would take a lot of grasshopper to make a meal for a bear.

Will a grasshopper eat catnip?

Bite sting their are allot of grasshoppers in the world so you never know

How does grasshopper protects itself?

Since grasshoppers are primarily in grass they camouflage themselves. Using camouflage, predators have a hard to seeing them, so they are usually unsuccessful at eating them.

How grasshopper is harmful?

Grasshoppers can grow many eggs at a time and anytime they want so they can increase in popularity eating many crop and human-like foods.

Do horse eat crabgrass?

Not intentionally, no. They are herbivores, not insectivores. They may accidentally eat a grasshopper or two (or more) if they're grazing in a grasshopper-infested area or eating grain that has bits of grasshoppers in it. It's not going to hurt them, but it does add extra protein to their diet.

What grasshopper eat?

grasshopper is a plant eating insect

Why are the mouth part of the butterfly and grasshopper different?

Grasshoppers have chewing mouth parts, meant for eating solid plant material. Butterflies have sucking mouth parts meant for sipping nectar.