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yea definitly it will be in your sistym from 1 hit

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Q: Weed in system one bowl
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How long will weed stay in your system if you havent smoke in 3 months and you smoke 1 bowl?

To be safe, one month.

Will a bowl of weed be out of system in 17 days?

probably not. on average, it takes 28 days

What does it mean to blow a bowl of weed?

we usually say "pack a bowl" which is pack the pipe with weed so we can smoke it!

Can a fish get high on weed?

LOL you sir are wrong they in fact can. you see the fish is in a bowl of water so one day i clam baked my fish bowl and he went nuts. the Thc seeped into the gills and got into his system duhhhh.

How much does a bowl of weed cost?

A lot

How many bowls is 1 gram of weed?

Mostly depends on the size of your bowl, but for the most part 4.

What is a bowl of weed?

a bowl of weed (or marijuana) is typically referring the amount of grass a given device (bong, pipe, bubbler) will hold in it's capacity. a bowl is normally about 0.5 grams to 2 grams

Why won't the weed stick to the bowl?

It's not sticky.

If I have never had weed before but one night I had a small bite of a weed brownie how long is it until it is out of my system and I will be clean on a drug test?

Even if you had never had weed before that one night, a small bite of a weed brownie can linger in your system. It can take up to a month before you will be clean on a drug test.

What is a double pipe like in weed wise?

It's a bowl with a pipe and then a 2nd pipe across from it on the other side of the bowl. Two people can smoke weed at the same time from it.

How do you clean your system in one hour of weed in one hour?

drink alot of water

Does water help clear weed out of your system?

No , water will not clean weed out of your system. Weed is a terrible drug , and is one of the most dangerous drugs. Weed is a life waster! Weed will stay in your system for a long while and could cause many illness's and side effects. SIDE EFFECTS - vivid colour , breast growth in Males , head pounces and much more. DONT SMOKE WEED. DONT WASTE YOUR LIFE!!