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Q: Were American POW's treated better in the European theater or Pacific theater?
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European women were treated very poorly in the seventh century. They were property.

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they were treated bad in the US because of how they looked. it was easy to tell a Chinese American from a European American. The Chinese dressed differently looked different smoked opium. They were treaded bad because they were so diffrent, because they stood out so much from the rest of the population

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they were treated poorly

How were the American troops treated by the Germans in World War 2?

For US Forces, and with the exception of the Malmedy Massacre in 1944; US POW's were treated according to the Geneva Convention/Rules of War. Surrendering in European or American Wars was a traditional acceptance, and considered a "gentlemanly" thing to do...preserving the "lives of their men" contrast to fighting to the last man.

How were American soldiers treated when captured?

US POWs in Europe were treated with respect and accorded the treatment under the Geneva Convention(s). In the beginning of WW2, US POWs in the Pacific were treated as soldiers that had broken the code of honorable fighting men, and had chosen surrender over fighting to the death. Coupled with the humidity and starving conditions of vast travelling areas of obtaining resupply of food, medical supplies, equipment, etc. living conditions/treatment of US/Allied POWs was extremely harsh; especially when compared to conditions experienced by ETO (European Theater of Operations) POWs.

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They are treated more than fair.

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they were treated like all the other European immigrants that came to America. (but mostly treated unfairly)

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How many American Jews were in Nazi Concentration Camps?

Unless they were on vacation or were born in America, and was in a Nazi controlled area at the time of the holocaust, there is almost no chance of them being put into a concentration camp. The question refers to American Jews who may have been traveling in Europe and got caught up in the war and could not get back to the US. Were American Jews treated any differently than European Jews who were interred in the camps? ____ On the whole American Jews in Nazi controlled areas were treated well as the Nazis hoped to exchange them for Germans in America.

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They were very well treated with help of their family members.They were very respected