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yes they were

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Q: Were British and the French enemies during the French and Indian War?
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Who were George Washington's enemies?

The British The British The British The British Gaile NO; because once George Washington help the British during the French and Indian war

How did civilians feel about the french and Indian war?

During the French and Indian War, the Iroquois sided with the British against the French and their Algonquin allies, both traditional enemies of the Iroquois. The Iroquois hoped that aiding the British would also bring favors after the war.

Were the Native Americans enemies or allies of the french during the french Indian war?

the french

What was British doing during french and Indian war?

The British fought the French.

Who strategically placed forts during the French and Indian War the British or the French?

the british

Where did delegates for 7 colonies meet during French and Indian War?

No delegates met during the French and Indian war. The colonies were still British and fought by the British military.

What was the role of the Iroquois leaders?

During the French and Indian War, the Iroquois sided with the British against the French and their Algonquin allies, both traditional enemies of the Iroquois. The Iroquois hoped that aiding the British would also bring favors after the war

Who was the British during the French and Indian war?

William Pitt

Who had the strongest navy in the world at the time of the Indian and french war?

The British had the strongest navy during the French and Indian War

What side were the American colonies on during the French and Indian war?

They were on the British side, The French and Indians were allies against the British.

British king during the french and Indian war?

King George

Who had the strongest navy in the world at the time of French and Indian war?

The British had the strongest navy during the French and Indian War