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The direct answer to your question is NO. John the Baptist was not born of a virgin like Christ. The angel Gabriel visits Zacharias while he is duing priestly work in the temple. The angel tells Zacharias that his wife Elizabeth will bear him a son and call his name John. The angel informs Zacharias that his son will be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth. (Luke 1:13-15). Because Zacharias does not believe the news of the birth of a son, he is deaf until his son is born.

Like Christ, John the Baptist was filled with the Spirit from birth. However, only Jesus was born of a virgin and was sinless. John the Baptist had a sinful nature just like us and had to believe that Jesus was the Christ (Messiah). Jesus had a heavenly father and John the Baptist had an earthly father like all other humans. Jesus was the exception.

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They were the same age in years but John the Baptist was older by a couple months.

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Q: Were Jesus Christ and John the Baptist the same age?
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