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Nero was said to have persecuted the Christians as a scapegoat because there were accusations that he started the Great Fire of Rome in 64. Some modern historians doubt this. It this was the case, the Christians would not have been friends with Nero.

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Q: Were christians friends with emperor nero?
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Nero was not a Roman god, he was an insane Roman emperor.

Who were the emperors persecuting Christians in Rome in 64 CE?

There were no emperors persecuting the Christians in 64 AD. This is a misconception. 64 was the year of the Great Fire of Rome and the emperor Nero was in power. Nero did not persecute the Christians for their religion. Nero punished the Christians for the crime of arson. After the outrage died down, the Christians were free to worship as they saw fit.

Roman emperor who persecuted Christians?

There were ten Roman emperors who persecuted the Christians. You can take your pick of Nero, Domitian, Trajan, Hadrian, Marcus Aureius, Septimus Severus, Maximus the Thracian, Decius, Valerian, and Diocletian.

Who was the Roman emperor that began the persecution of christians?

It is generally agreed that there was no organised, general, centrally directed persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire before the edict of Emperor Decius in 249. This remained in effect until 251 CE. The "great persecution" of Christians was initiated by Emperor Diocletian in 303 CE. It lasted until 305 in the West, but continued until 311 in the East.

What religion was the Roman Emperor Nero?

The Roman Emperor Nero was raised in the Roman pagan religion, but he eventually turned against it and persecuted Christians in the Roman Empire.

Under which Roman Emperor did Christians first become a target of the Romans?

Nero was the emperor who fed to the lions, burned alive, and crucified Christians of the early church. He was also emperor when Rome burned to the ground.

When did emperor Nero Blame X-ians for the great fire of rome?

Nero prosecuted the Christians after the Grreat Fire of Rome in 64 AD.

Why did the Roman government begin persecuting the Christians?

The Roman Government began persecuting Christians under Emperor Nero. Nero began to execute large numbers of Christians following the Great Fire of Rome. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, the population searched for a scapegoat and rumors held Nero responsible. To deflect blame, Nero targeted Christians.

Why did Roman leaders stop tolerating Christians?

The Roman Government began persecuting Christians under Emperor Nero. Nero began to execute large numbers of Christians following the Great Fire of Rome. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, the population searched for a scapegoat and rumors held Nero responsible. To deflect blame, Nero targeted Christians.

Who started the fire in Rome and killed his mother?

Emperor Nero, he blamed the Christians for starting the fire

Why did Nero scatter the new Christians or strangers of 1 Peter 1?

A:1 Peter chapter 1 does not mention Emperor Nero. Having said that, Nero did blame the Christians of Rome for the Great Fire, probably unfairly, and expelled them from the city.