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At the Admiralty and Houses of Parliament.

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Q: Were did most debates over british and naval policies take place?
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When did the Lincoln-Douglas debates take place?

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What decision did the british make after the Patriot victory ay Yorktown?

After the Patriot victory at Yorktown (Virginia) in 1781, the British decided to bring the Revolutionary War to an end. While several small skirmishes between Americans and British, as well as various debates among British leaders, would take place before ratification of a formal treaty, the fundamental decision to make terms with the "rebels" in America was made by the British after their crushing defeat at Yorktown.

Did Britain have control over the Canadian navy in 1910?

In some ways yes - in others no. Canada's naval service was first established in 1910 and was intended as a distinct naval force for the Dominion, that, if necessary, could be placed under British control. By that I mean operational control; that is to say Canadian Naval units could augment British forces and serve under the operational and tactical control of British commanders. Other strategic matters such as determination of capabilities, establishment control, recruitment etc remained the purview of the Canadian government.In 1910 the world was still, relatively, at peace and the need to place Canadian naval forces under British control had not yet arisen so, in that sense, Britain did not have control over the Canadian navy in 1910.

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The best place to find the transcripts of the Wiley College Debates of 1935 is in the Wiley College Library. Wiley College is located in Marshall, TX.

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A fleet of French warships, commanded by Comte De Grasse, a French leader, defeated British warships and then blockaded the British army led by Cornwallis. The naval battle, known as the Battle of the Chesapeake, took place in September of 1781, with the final surrender of Cornwallis and his men taking place in October of the same year.