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The Ice-Age was after dinsaurs became extinct.


The Ice Age was after the dinosaurs became extinct

Actually scientests know that there were infact many ice ages so some probebly happened before and during the dinosaur age as well as after.


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14y ago
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12y ago

An Ice Age climate is cold and dry - indeed Antarctica is considered a desert on account of the minute precipitation. Emerging from an Ice Age, the climate will become warmer, and as a consequence, wetter.

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10y ago

The origins of agriculture are thought to predate the end of the last ice age in the form of forest gardening. A settled group gradually improving their environment, as useful tree and vine species were identified and protected while undesirable species were eliminated. Eventually superior species from foreign areas would be imported and incorporated into the local environment.

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12y ago

Some would say yes, and point to recent weather events. Others say no, these are just everyday changes in the weather. We need to see this happening for a few more years before we can be sure.

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13y ago

The ice melts and elevation of the ocean increase.

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11y ago

it changed alot because it was all icy so is was cold and slippery

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9y ago

The last Ice Age came before the Stone Age.The Bronze Age and the Iron Age both came after the Ice Age.

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15y ago

They were alive before the Iceage.

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