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Q: Were does Dorothy ends up in when the cyclone takes dorothys house in the wizard of oz?
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What happens before a cyclone hits?

when a cyclone is about to hit a storm will most likely strikestrong winds and heavy waves will formbeware a cyclone can change direction fast so always have a safety kit with andmake sure house is fully protected

Who were the famous pair sucked up in their house by a tornado while they slept?

Dorothy and Toto

Where is the safest place in a cyclone?

The best thing to do during a massive thunderstorm, especially if conditions are right for tornadic activity, is hide in the lowest place possible in your home or in a center room or closet. But if it's a small, non-threatening storm, you should be safe anywhere inside your home.

What can people living in coastal areas do to prepare for hurricanes?

People prepare by getting pictures off wall, putting rubbish bins in garage, getting lots of food and water in the smallest room in the house, and staying in the smallest room when the cyclone hit s. the wind will stop but do not go out because it will start again soon. a am an pro at cyclones.

How do you stop cyclones happening?

Emergency Management Queensland's website offers the following advice for basic action before and during a cyclone: * Have a list of emergency phone numbers is an easily accessible position * Determine which is the strongest, most secure room in your house * Pack an Emergency kit which includes items such as first aid, torch and portable radio with spare batteries, gloves, candles, matches, copies of important documents e.g. birth certificates, essential medications, canned foods * Have an evacuation plan ready, including evacuation routes, spare fuel, and listen to Community Service Announcements so you are familiar with what is happening * Ensure all garden furniture and loose items outside are secured so they cannot become flying torpedoes * Plan ahead of time what will happen with your pets, especially if you cannot take them with you in the event of an evacuation * Check your roof condition beforehand, and ensure all loose tiles, iron sheeting, etc is secured and repaired * Trim overhanging branches to keep them well away from the house * Fill buckets and bath with water in case the drinking water supply is compromised * Have sufficient cash on hand for emergencies * Tape windows in criss-cross fashion using strong packing tape if you do not have shutters Once a cyclone hits: * Turn off electricity, gas and water, and unplug all appliances * Ensure everyone, including pets, are inside * Move your family to the strongest room * Keep your emergency kit with you at all times * Keep listening to the radio for updates * If your house begins to break apart, shelter under a really strong table or a mattress * During the calm eye, do not venture outdoors. Stay where you are, as the other side of the cyclone is often more intense than before the eye. Wait for the all-clear announced on the radio.

Related questions

What is the name of the town Dorothy's house lands in the wizard of oz?

It landed on the wicked witch of the east.

Is the roof to Dorothy's house blown off by a tornado in 'The Wizard of Oz'?

No, the roof to Dorothy Gale's house isn't blown off by a tornado in either the original 1900 book edition or the beloved 1939 film version of 'The Wizard of Oz'. What happens instead is the separation of the house from its foundation. The only thing that the house loses in the cyclone is the below ground part under the trap door in the floor.

How did Aunt Em escape the cyclone why didn't Dorothy?

She was in the cellar of the house.

How does the wicked witch get killed by the house landing on her in 'The Wizard of Oz'?

Being in the wrong place at the wrong time is the reason why the witch is killed by Dorothy's house in "The Wizard of Oz."Specifically, the Wicked Witch of the East is broom sticking around Munchkinland, of which she is the unpopular ruler. At the same time, Dorothy Gale's house is riding the winds of a powerful cyclone from Kansas. The wind speeds slow as the cyclone dissipates, and thus the house gently free falls through the air until it settles on top of the witch in Munchkinland.

What was the name of the star Dorothy from the wizard of Oz arrived on?

Dorothy arrived to Oz inside her house.

What happens to Elmira Gulch in 'The Wizard of Oz'?

That she gets caught in the cyclone while bicycling homeappears to be what happens to Elmira Gulch in "The Wizard of Oz."Specifically, Miss Gulch is a character who appears in the beloved 1939 film version, but not the original 1900 book edition, of "The Wizard of Oz." The last we see of her is trying to bicycle while being carried through the air by the cyclone that lands Dorothy Gale and her pet dog Toto in the beautiful, enchanted, magical lands of Oz. She may assume the personalities of the Wicked Witches of the East and of the West in Dorothy's dream sequence in Oz. She therefore is killed by Dorothy's house landing on her or by Dorothy throwing water and dissolving her into nothingness.

What does the house in the Wizard of Oz stand for?

What House? The house of Dorothy which knocked out the wicked witch? or the Palace of the Wizard, can"t recall any other dwellings- farm out-buildings perhaps.

Who died first in the Wizard of Oz?

The Wicked Which of the East got crushed by Dorothy's house.

How do Dorothy and Toto get to Oz in 'The Wizard of Oz'?

A tornado takes Dorothy Gale and her dog Toto from Kansas to Oz in "The Wizard of Oz."Specifically, Dorothy and Toto are inside the family house and on their way to the trap door to the cellar. But the tornado uproots the house before Dorothy and Toto get to safety. It carries the house over the rainbow and into the beautiful, enchanted, magical land of Oz, where the house settles in the Blue Country of the Munchkins.

What was Uncle Henry doing when Dorothy got back from Oz?

Milking the cows. He also had built a new house, to replace the old house that carried Dorothy and Toto away to the land of Oz, in a cyclone.

In the movie The Wizard of Oz what kind of storm transports Dorothy's house to the Land of Oz?


What was Dorothy's address in the Wizard of Oz?

No address was given, just that she lived in a farm house in Kansas.