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they were aloud to take mcdonalds

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Q: Were evacuees aloud to bring food with them?
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Related questions

Where evacuees aloud teddies?

Evacuees in WW2 were allowed teddies. Many pictures of evacuees boarding the trains have children with teddies.

How much food was the evacuees aloud for the whole month?

Oh Dear Please Help Mee ... :D lushhh :P

What did evacuees bring in their boxes?

Their gas mask and personal belongings.

Why do evacuee have sugar in there suitcase?

The evacuees brought their own sugar purchased with their ration cards. They were not going to leave it behind since it was a precious commodity. They had to bring their ration cards too. Unfortunately some unscrupulous people stole food and ration cards from the evacuees.

What extra thing did the evacuees take?

some food

Should people be aloud to bring phones in schools?

Yes, they should be aloud to have cell phones in schools.

Are you aloud to bring posters to the maverik center?

my answer in yes.

Where did the evacuees come from?

where did the first ever evacuees come from where did the first ever evacuees come from

What did evacuees eat during world war 2?

During World War II, food in many areas was in short supply. The evacuees has to make due with food rationing to make food supplies last. Often, their diet consisted of eggs, vegetables, bread, and water.

What are the boxes called that evacuees had?

evacuees boxes

What food did they take in their lunch box in world war 2 evacuees?

well no bananas so mate apples?

What did the evacuees where?

Evacuees had to wear something warm on the train.