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Q: Were is the nereast stabling around godmanstone?
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How much money does an 11 year old need to buy a horse along with feed stabling farrier vet and more?

The least it can get is probably around a thousand for a fine trained horse, about five hundred for feed AND stabling each month. Though the vet and farrier fees can range, if you have a healthy horse.

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660 and 700 respectively.

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A man who look after the stabling the travellers' horses at hotel or inn?


What is a man who looked after the stabling of travellers horses at a hotel?

The horse tender was called a hostler.

What is Feeding stabling and caring for a horse called?

Anything to do with the care of the horse is known as stable management.

What type of stabling is ideal for the horses with which you are working?

This depends on what sort of horses they are and what work they are doing. I personally oppose stabling as permanent accomodation for any horse. This is an unnatural state for horses and they cannot be as happy locked in a wooden box as roaming a paddock with a stable to return to for shelter when it's cold, wet or windy.

How can you increase the centers stabling on Howrse?

Stabling increases through having higher overall EC prestige, and through stabling very high skilled horses. Your EC has the ability to set a minimum skill requirement for the horses that board with you. Obviously when you are getting on your feet and trying to get boarders you must keep this low enough so as not to put people off. Play around and see what works. However, to seriously improve your EC prestige, you need very high skilled horses to board with you - over 1,100 skills to reach the very top levels. I would suggest you set a requirement of at least 600, and try to board as many top skillors as possible (over 1000). For this you may well have to bite the bullet and buy/ breed your own. It will be expensive, but worth it.