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No nuclear weapons were used in the Korean War

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Q: Were nuclear weapons used in the Korean war?
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How was the use of nuclear weapons involved in Korean war?

No nuclear weapons were used in the Korean War.....

Has North Korea used nuclear weapons?

Not during the Korean war...

Why do we use nuclear weapons in war?

Nuclear weapons is a rare sight, and used to protect soldiers in war.

Why were nuclear weapons used?


What countries used nuclear weapons in the Vietnam War?

None. No nuclear weapons were used in Viet Nam.

What can you learn from the Korean War?

That in the atomic age (atomic weapons) only limited wars can be fought. Nuclear weapons would mean total war.

Which country first used nuclear chemical for war?

Chemical weapons were first used in war by Germany in WW1.Nuclear weapons were first used in war by the US in WW2.

What war were nuclear weapons used in and why?

Nuclear weapons have only been used in anger in the Second World War (WW2) - they were used against the Japan to bring the war to an end.

Why do you have nuclear weapons?

Some of the countries have nuclear weapons because they use them as a defense mechanism. The nuclear weapons are intended to be used whenever there is a war.

Which countries used nuclear weapons during the war?

The only country that has ever used nuclear weapons in any war was the US, at the end of WW2.

What weapon was not used in the Vietnam war?

Nuclear weapons were not used in the Vietnam War.

Under Eisenhower and Dulles American policy included Apex?

The threat that nuclear weapons would be used.