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Yes, many were.

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Q: Were some towns wiped out by the black death?
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What are some of the towns in Europe that got hit with Black Death?


What were the effects of the black death on the people?

the effects were , the fleas bit the people which course a fiver which killed the people but some of the people who got the plague died with out the fiver. It also caused a reduction in the population of Europe. After the black death was over about 70%-75% of the population lost their lives.

What are some of the long term problems of the black death?

I can say that if you survived the the Black Plague, that your lungs were effected. So I imagine, although I am not 100 % sure, that you would then have problems such as breathing. Possibly difficulties doing heavy day to day life such as farming.

Why is the black death so common?

Because the disease was so easily spread. Fleas would have given the disease to rats, and since people in the Middle Ages lived quite unhealthy lives, there was alot of rubbish and sewage around, which attracted the rats. And some rats would have bitten humans, which would have given humans the Black Death, and then since coughing was one of the symptoms of the Black Death, the disease would have spread rapidly and wiped out whole villages at once.

What were some important changes caused by the black death?

Black Death caused revolutions. It weakened church's influence.

What did the Black Death look like?

There are some pictures at the Wikipedia page on the Black Death. There is a link to that page below.

What is the real common name for plague?

The common name for bubonic plague is the Black Death.

What are some black death facts?

The black death was carried by the oriental rat flea which then was past onto the rats then humans

Did the Black Death cause war?

yes, black death caused many revolts. Some wars were also inspired by it.

Why is it so difficult to tell how many people died in the Black Death?

Because so many people died and because the doctors and the people then did not think of counting how many people died. If some people did, they can't count every single person across the world. Some villages were completely wiped out.

What made the towns rise in the middle ages?

Medieval towns were villages that grew. The villages that grew into towns were mostly at crossroads, bridges, harbors, or the farthest point a ship could go up a river.

What are the medical beliefs for the Black death?

The Black Death, otherwise known as the Bubonic Plague, was prevalent in the middle ages and wiped out about 3/4 of the European population. It was spread by fleas that attached themselves to rats, and the rats spread the fleas. Deaths from this disease were so high that many corpses were piled in a hole together, and some were dumped out along the roads, causing still more disease and death. Europe was a long time fighting and recovering from this scourge of a great population.