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The athens were smarter than the spartansbecause they focused on education more.

Athens is recognized for wisdom and concentration on infrastructural development and Sparta for its military power. Both societies were smart enough to endure through the years and adapt to changing circumstances.

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Q: Were the Athenians smarter than Spartans?
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Name one reason Sparta and Athens did not get along?

The Spartans looked down of the Athenians because they felt they were weak, pinheads and lazy. The Athenians looked down on the Spartans because they thought they were brutish and uneducated. It was the classic preppy-hi-brow vs. the jock battle! === === Sparta was the principal land power, Athens the maritime power. The Spartans were conservative; although good at war, they preferred to stay out of it. The Athenians were adventurous, intent on establishing and then extending an empire by whatever means necessary. These hostile activities brought Athens into conflict with Sparta's allies, who eventually persuaded Sparta to intervene to limit the Athenian intrusions into their domains.

Which statement most likely represents the view of a citizen of ancient Athens visiting Sparta?

"The government and society in Sparta are so strict. The people have little voice in government." Athenians were a lot more artsy than Spartans, so a statement could be, "Wow, these Spartans are really militaristic." Athens focused on the arts and broadening the mind, and depended on its citizens to be automatically patriotic, whereas Sparta sent boys off to train in the military at young ages, teaching them patriotism, instead of earning it by the goodness of the city-state. In essence, the two cities were complete opposites, so any statement showing the opposing opinions should work.

What does it mean to be wise beyond your years?

That you're wiser than most people of your age. maturer, smarter.

What do Spartans believe in?


Where did Athenians meet to discuss Philosophy?

at the Agora

Related questions

Are Spartans are better than Athenians?

I think the answer would be yes

How was family life different for Spartans and athenians?

Because the Spartans had an oligarchy, and the Athenians had a democracy.

Are athenians or Spartans the center of the greek culture?

athenians ;)

Are Athenians better that Spartans?


How long did Spartans and Athenians battle for?

The Athenians and Spartans fought each other in what is referred to as the Peloponnesian War from 431 to 404 BC .

Describe the Spartans and the athenians?

spartans were people who placed a lot of emphasis on the military. athenians were people named themselves after the greek goddess athena

Contrast the athenians to the Spartans?

Athenians were more into art, music, fun and drama, while Spartans had a very strict, military life stile.

How was family life different for Spartans?

Because the Spartans had an oligarchy, and the Athenians had a democracy.

Were the Spartans and Athenians sworn enemies?


Who was the common enemy of the athenians and Spartans?

The Persians .

What are the characteristics of Spartans and Athenians?

Spartans are much stronger and rely on their brute strength. On the other hand, Athenians are a much more logic based civilization.

How are the Spartans different from the Athenians?

They were different Greek city-states. The Athenians had a democracy as their form of government; Sparta had a mix between an oligarchy and a monarchy. The Athenians encouraged trade and were influenced by other city states; the Spartans avoided new ideas whenever possible, and only conquered other city states. The Athenians valued art, science, and music; the Spartans cared about hardly anything but war. The Athenians treated their women fairly poorly; Spartan woman had more rights than almost any other women in the ancient world. Athenians had few slaves; the Spartan society relied entirely on slaves/helots to support the infrastructure. The Athenians weren't very war oriented; the Spartans were extremely bellicose and amazing soldiers.