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Yes. The Hebraic people (a branch of the Semitic people) were originally referred to as Hebrews, but later sub-divided themselves into linguistic, geographical, and religious sub-groups of Hebraic peoples which include Hebrews, Israelites and Jews. Modern day Israel is home to Jews migrant from the Northern Hemisphere, and to native Palestinians and Hebrews.

Additional confusion sometimes arises from terms such as 'Palestinians' which can apply to only non-Israelites and to any Hebraic and non-Hebraic persons resident in Palestine; and 'Hebrew Israelites' which potentially applies to native (non-migrant) descendants of Hebrews within Israel and to any (migrant and non-migrant) Hebraic descendants, and to Hebrew-speaking residents in Israel, and to Hebrews of the twelve tribes of ancient Israel who descended from Jacob.

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Q: Were the early Israelites known as Hebrews?
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Hebrews have been know as the what?

Hebrew people later became called Israelites, then Judaeans, then Jews. Today they are called Jews.

What is another word for the Israelites?

The Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were Hebrews. Jacob took or was given the name Israel, and his descendants were known as the Children of Israel or Israelites (they were still Hebrews, of course). One of the tribes of the Israelites, descended from Judah, was known as the Judaites. The Judaite kingdom was the last surviving Israelite kingdom, and the survivors of the destruction of that kingdom came to be known as Jews, who still call themselves Israelites and Children of Israel, and who are still Hebrews.

What was the earliest language of the Hebrews?

The earliest known language of the Hebrews was early Biblical Hebrew (עברית).

What is another name for the Israelites?

Abraham, his son Isaac and his grandson Jacob were Hebrews. Jacob took or was given the name Israel. His descendants called themselves the Children of Israel, or Israelites. They were still Hebrews. The Judaites were one of the Israelite tribes. Later, the kingdom of Judah was the last surviving Israelite kingdom, and the survivors of that kingdom, all of them Israelites and Hebrews, came to be known as Jews.

They were criginally known as hebrews but then they were known as israeltes how did that happen?

After Jacob was renamed "Israel" in Genesis 32, his descendants were called "the children of Israel" or "Israelites".

Why did the Hebrews become known as israelites?

Because they were the descendants of Yaakov (Jacob), who was also known as Israel.

What were the names for the ancient Jewish people?

Israelites (Yisraelim in Biblical Hebrew), Hebrews (a term first used probably by Ancient Egyptians) and Bnei Yisrael ("Children of Israel") are all terms used for Jews before the Common Era.

What is another name for hebrews?

All of these names are synonyms for Hebrews (in no particular order):IsraelitesChildren of IsraelBnei Yisra'elYisra'elJudaeansYehudimJews

What was first Hebrews or Jews?

They were first called the Hebrews, then Israelites, then Judaeans, then Jews.

What did the Hebrews call themselves after returning to Canaan?

They had been calling themselves Israelites since the time of Jacob, and that did not change at this time. See also:More about Hebrews/Israelites/Jews

Who were the Hebrews in the Old Testament?

They were called Israelites.

Who led the Hebrews Israelites to the invasion of Canaan is named?

Joshua led the Israelites into Canaan.