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Yes. The Hessians weren't expecting attacks on Christmas Day, they were drunk and too tired from partying to battle. And hence, they lost.

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6mo ago

There were some instances of Hessian soldiers being intoxicated during the American Revolutionary War, but it is not accurate to say that they were drunk during George Washington's attack. Some Hessian soldiers may have consumed alcohol, but their level of drunkenness did not significantly impact the outcome of the battle. The Hessians fought fiercely and put up a strong defense before eventually being defeated by Washington's forces.

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Q: Were the hessians drunk when George Washington attacked them?
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Why did George Washington defeat the Hessians?

George Washington was able to defeat the Hessians during the Battle of Trenton in 1776 due to a combination of surprise, strategic planning, and the element of weather. Washington launched a surprise attack on the Hessian garrison while they were celebrating Christmas, catching them off guard. The bad weather also worked in Washington's favor, making it difficult for the Hessians to mount a proper defense.

What happened at Trenton in December 1776?

In the battle of Trenton is when George Washington sailed across the river at the night of Christamas to fight the Hessians when they were partying and they were drunk so they had no defense.

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Today he is being ripped apart like crazy. It is thought that during the French and Indian War that Washington was a drunk that did not do much to help. He was also said to have broken the rules of engagement that stated that there would be no fighting during the winter. He did exactly that when he crossed the Delaware River early in the morning on Christmas and attacked the Hessians and British soldiers while they were drunk and/or sleeping.

Who did George Washington surprise attack on Christmas day?

George Washington decided to lead a sneak attack on the British on Christmas Eve. They crossed the Delaware River at night. The British soldiers, who had been celebrating the holiday, were all drunk or passed out. So when Washington's troops attacked on Christmas Day, the British offered little to no resistance.

What war was it when George Washington crossed the Delaware?

George Washington crossed the Delaware River during the Revolutionary War. He knew the German Mercenaries would be drunk on Christmas Day. Washington arrived with the sober American Army and captured the drunk German Army.

Where was a huge colonial victory over the British?

bunker hill was a pretty big win, although the colonials ended up retreating because they ran out of ammo. saratoga was also big, as it took out one of the three main british armies in the colonies. Trenton and Princeton were big victories, as they took out lots of hessians and improved moral (george won because he attacked the day after Christmas and the day after new years, so the hessians were all drunk/hungover)

Was George Washington drunk in the Revolutionary War?

yes he was very, very, drunk he almost fell off his horse when he headed out togo fight in the war!

How did George Washington do with the battle at Trenton NJ?

at the battle of Trenton George Washington waited until Christmas night, then when the British were drunk, went across the Delaware river and ambushed the British

How did the colonists win the battle of Trenton?

The Battle of Trenton occured during the revolutionary war on December 25, 1777. Washinton and his army were camping accross the river and ten miles up from Trenton where the hessians( German soldiers that worked for the british) where living. The hessians were all drunk from their Christmas party that they slept late so Washington and his army attack them in there sleep but soon came outrside to finish the battle. The general for the hessians, Colonel Rall, got shot and killed so the hessians surrendered. Therefore the colonials one the battle with not one of their men killed or injured. You should see the movie the crossing if yolu want to know more about it.

Explain General Washington's strategy at the Battle of Trenton?

In the dead of night, on December 25 1776, George Washington led 2400 American soldiers across the Delaware River. the troops were short on supplies but were ready to fight. On the morning of December 26, the troops attacked. Being the day after Christmas, the British and Hessians were drunk and half asleep. The battle lasted only an hour and finally, 900 Hessians surrendered to Washington.

What was one cause for Washington's success at Trenton?

It is sometimes noted that the Hessians were celebrating Christmas and were caught off guard. That some were drunk is generally discounted, but many were less than prepared for the Continentals' attack. Washington definitely had the element of surprise: crossing the Delaware in the middle of winter could not have been seen as highly probable by the British.