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Q: Were would a bowling ball and a napkin fall with the same acceleration?
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Where would a bowling ball and a napkin fall with the same acceleration?

In a vacuum chamber. C. On the moon.

Where would a bowling ball and a napkin fall with same acceleration?

In a vacuum chamber. C. On the moon.

Where would a bowling ball and a napkin with different accelerations?

from an airplane and from the top of the Empire State Building

Which exerts a gravitational force a baseball a football or a bowling ball?

A bowling ball since it has more mass. However, both the ping pong ball and the bowling ball are subjected to the same acceleration due to gravity, specifically 9.82 m s-2 and, neglecting air resistance, would fall at the same rate of speed.

If a bowling ball and a Nerf ball dropped at the same time and height what would the acceleration be?

it would be 9.8 meter per second. anything that isn't subject to air resistance(like paper) will fall at this rate for this is the acceleration of gravity,

What is easier to roll a bolling ball on?

A flat, smooth surface would be ideal for rolling a bowling ball successfully. Usually, wooden floors that were waxed are used in bowling lanes. This gives the bowling ball less friction, thus, giving it more acceleration and less slowing down.

On the moon witch object would fall with the same acceleration a bowling ball a shotput a Styrofoam cooler?

all three.

What figure is a bowling ball?

A bowling ball would be considered a sphere.

Does a bowling ball have more force than a feather?

Well according to the equation Force = Mass x Acceleration. A bowling ball has more mass than a feather but it all depends on how much acceleration each is undergoing. Potentially a feather can have more force (if the bowling ball has an acceleration of zero, then there is no force being produced, and if the feather is accelerating at any speed greater than zero, thentechnicallyit has more force)

Why does a bowling ball move without acceleration when it rolls along a alley?

Strictly speaking, it moves with negative acceleration. The forces of friction and air resistance both act to slow the ball down. If the lane were long enough, the ball would eventually come to a complete stop.

What mineral would be inside of a bowling ball?

A bowling ball is made up of a plastic outercore

What are some real life examples of Newton's second law of motion?

The second law of motion states that the acceleration of the an object depends on the mass of the object and the size of the force acting on it a good example is bowling because the acceleration of the bowling ball hitting the pins are hitting the shape and the size of it. And the force acting on it is the bowling ball and bowling pin that is an example of the second law of motion.