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Grace and Mr. Hoo suspect that Sydelle Pulaski, Mr. Hoo's new secretary, is involved in the mystery after reexamining their clues in Chapter 17 of the Westing Game. They believe she may have a connection to the bomber and the inheritance puzzle.

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Q: Westing game chapter 17 After reexamining their clues whom do Grace and Mr. Hoo think is involved in the mystery?
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Describe what event is occurring at the beginning of chapter sixteen Westing game?

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What is the genre of the westing game?

The Westing Game is a mystery novel, specifically a puzzle mystery, that follows a group of heirs attempting to solve the mysterious death of Samuel Westing.

What events occurred at the beginning of this chapter 16 the westing game?

At the beginning of chapter 16 in "The Westing Game," Turtle Wexler finds a strange gift waiting for her. It turns out to be a silver bomber jacket, and it leads her to discover a hidden clue that pushes the mystery forward. The other heirs also continue to unravel the secrets of Sam Westing's game.

Why couldn't Angela answer theos question in chapter 13 westing game?

Angela couldn't answer Theo's question in Chapter 13 of "The Westing Game" because she was bound by the rules of the game not to reveal her partner or discuss her clues until the end of the competition. Angela's secrecy was crucial to the mystery and suspense of the story.

What can you conclude about the characters change in position in chapter 23 of the westing game?

In Chapter 23 of "The Westing Game," the characters' positions change as new information about the inheritance and Samuel Westing's identity is revealed. This leads to shifts in alliances, motivations, and suspicions among the heirs, altering the dynamics of the game. The changing positions create tension and uncertainty as the characters navigate the final stages of the mystery.

Is the westing game a mystery book?


Is Mr Hoo a character in the Westing game BOOK?

No, Mr. Hoo is not a character in "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin. The characters in the book are involved in a mystery surrounding the death of the wealthy Samuel W. Westing and the game he leaves behind for them to solve.

Who is the preesident secretary of Schultz sausages on westing game?

The president and secretary of Schultz Sausages on Westing Game are not explicitly mentioned in the book. The focus of the story is on the characters involved in the Westing Game mystery, rather than the specific details of the sausage company's leadership.

Is crow Sam westings ex- wife from the westing game?

No, Crow is not Sam Westing's ex-wife. Crow is a mysterious woman who becomes involved in the Westing Game mystery, while Sam Westing's ex-wife is briefly mentioned in the story but does not play a significant role.