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The greater the surface of the wet clothes exposed to the warmth from the Sun, the quicker the clothes will dry due to evaporation of the water. Wet clothes will also dry if hung on a washing line on a sunny day, especially if there is also a breeze.

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6y ago
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15y ago

they dry quicker cos there is more heat to absorb than in the shade it is even better to hang it up when there is warm wind cos the same reason and cos the surface area is bigger

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6y ago

The heat from the sun causes the water in the clothes to evaporate. Spreading the clothes out increases the surface area - allowing the water to evaporate quicker.

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Wet clothes dry quickly in summer than in winter?

because they can.

Why wet clothes dry quickly in summer than in winter?

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Why do wet clothes dry quickly on a sunny day?

because the heat causes the water to evaporate

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i poo because i doo big tutti, its not dat disgushting u nooo, its only half a poo dough

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Which wet laundry dries on an outdoor clothesline in winter?

Yes. Before they had washing machines, people hung their wet clothes from trees and clothes lines. It does take longer than a dryer, and it can be a hassle on windy days.

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to dry clothes when they are wet

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Clothes shrink when the fibers get wet they shrivel up. Hot water will leave the fibers wet making you clothes shrink.

Why do you get so cold if your clothes are wet?

When You wear wet clothes, your body heat evapourates the water from the clothes by taking it from your body. this dries the clothes. Therefore it makes you feel colder :)