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Q: What's Clementine's last name in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?
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Ok there is a song quite new Aussie the video is a yellow beach its called sunshine or something whats its name?

dont blame it on sushine?

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depends on what kind of music you listen to but i have pocketful of sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield or how ever you spell it.

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According to the State Climate Office of North Carolina webpage ( "Sunshine is relatively abundant, the average annual percent of possible sunshine ranges from 58 to 65 at the various stations having sunshine recorders. An average of 126 days per year are clear, 117 partly cloudy, and 122 cloudy, while measurable rain falls on 120 days."

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I personally think there are no pros. Whats the point of having eternal life when nobody else does. You're going to end up alone in a huge world, maybe even another world. Just think about it. No family, No friends, No nothing..Just saying.

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My boyfriend calls me Sunshine... do you guys have a song? does the person singing said song call the person they're talking to/about anything besides their name? DO NOT call her Kitty! Kitty is a prostitute related name and is degrading!!!

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wHaTs YoUr FaVoRiTe WoRd To SaY!! ;) mines is " thats whats up?

"tahst whats up" lol -_- ;)