

What's in salt to dry things up?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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Salt is usually Sodium chloride. There is nothing special in salt to dry things up. Salt just takes the moisture from the product being dried.

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I believe that's salt but because salt is a main ingredient in vinegar, it could do.

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yes,It comes from water[seawater] the seawater dry's up eventually and the salt is left behind and salt is made.

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no because salt will dry up the plant cell and cause all of the chloroplasts to bunch up into this group causing them to not be able to do there jobs. Also a plant cell needs water to live and the salt will dry up all that water.

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I can answer what makes up salt. Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl). Salt can make up innumerable things.

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I know it sounds weird to mix all your dry ingredients up but if you are mixing dry and wet ingredients together this is a good thing. Eg. when you have your baking soda and salt, they are 2 different things. If you don't mix them together you get big chunks of just salt and just baking soda some places in whatever your making.