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  1. heat
  2. light
  3. sound
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Elijah Aquino

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Q: What are all the possible energy transformations that occur with a dishwasher that uses electrical energy.?
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Describe and explain all the possible energy transformations that occur with a dishwasher that uses electrical energy?


What are the energy transformations in a radio?

electrical energy to sound energy ,electrical energy to mechanical energy

What energy transformations are in a kettle?

Electrical energy to kinetic energy

What are the energy transformations of a car?

from electrical energy to mechanical energy

What energy transformations are in a transformer?

Chemical >>> Electrical

What energy transformations are in a watch?

A watch typically converts electrical energy from a battery into mechanical energy to move the hands and power any additional functions like lighting or alarms. Some watches also use solar cells to convert light energy into electrical energy, reducing the reliance on batteries.

What energy transformations are in a computer?

electrical energy to thermal(heat) energy

What are energy transformations?

=electric fan-electrical energy to mechanical energy!=

What energy transformations occur in a LRT?

In a LRT (light rail transit) system, electrical energy is transformed into kinetic energy as the train moves along the tracks. The kinetic energy is then used to overcome friction and air resistance to propel the train forward. Additionally, regenerative braking systems can convert kinetic energy back into electrical energy when the train slows down or stops.

Is the energy transformations in a car's engine an example of multiple transformations?

Yes. Chemical energy to mechanical and electrical energy and then mechanical energy to kinetic energy.

Is the energy transformations in a car engine are an example of multiple transformations?

Yes, the energy transformations in a car engine involve multiple steps. The chemical energy stored in the fuel is converted to thermal energy through combustion, which then powers the engine's mechanical motion through the movement of pistons. This mechanical energy is then converted to kinetic energy to move the vehicle.

What energy transformations occur in lamps?

Electrical energy is transformed into electromagnetic energy.