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\Delta E\Delta t\geq

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Aryanna Cummings

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Q: What are the energy transfers of the six simple machines for example an incline plane is gravitational potential energy to mechanical energy. I want to know what are the other fives and for levers I would like to know class one and class 2?
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Can machines transfer energy?

I think they Canaan process to store potential energy, Then it can be re transfers to any kind of energy that it can.

Is mechanical energy the energy of movement?

No. Potential energy relates to an objects position on the earth, specifically it's altitude. Mechanical energy is a form of kinetic energy but it can occasionally be considered "work done" in a more general sense

Mechanical energy is found by kinetic energy and potential energy.?

Mechanical energy is the combination of a system's total kinetic and potential energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of movement, is possessed by any objects in motion, and is given by the equation K = (1/2)mv^2. Potential energy has several types, including potential energy due to height (gravitational potential energy) and due to the tension inherent to a spring (elastic potential energy). Ug = mgh, where g is the acceleration due to gravity. Ue = (1/2)kx^2, where k is the spring constant and x is the distance the spring is stretched in meters. Although the universe follows the Law of Conservation of Energy, mechanical energy is not necessarily conserved. This means that mechanical energy can transform into other types of energy and vice versa. For example, when a machine operates, some mechanical energy is lost to heat energy. The ratio of mechanical energy conserved to the energy lost to thermal energy is known as efficiency, and no machines have 100% efficiency (no heat loss). On the other hand, non-mechanical energy such as electrical energy can convert to kinetic energy in situations when the electric potential of a capacitor powers the movement of a particle through the capacitor.

Energy possessed or transferred by machines is called?

Mechanical energy.

What is a comparison of a machines work input and work output?

mechanical efficiency

Related questions

Can machines transfer energy?

I think they Canaan process to store potential energy, Then it can be re transfers to any kind of energy that it can.

Is mechanical energy the energy of movement?

No. Potential energy relates to an objects position on the earth, specifically it's altitude. Mechanical energy is a form of kinetic energy but it can occasionally be considered "work done" in a more general sense

Simple machines increase mechanical?

Simple machines increase mechanical advantage.

Why does mechanical engineering include the word mechanical?

The word "mechanical" means "of, or pertaining to, machines" - and machines are what mechanical engineers concern themselves with.

What is mechanical loss in dc machines?

Friction and windage causes mechanical loss in DC machines.

What is meaning of the word mechanical?

Having to do with machines.

Mechanical energy is found by kinetic energy and potential energy.?

Mechanical energy is the combination of a system's total kinetic and potential energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of movement, is possessed by any objects in motion, and is given by the equation K = (1/2)mv^2. Potential energy has several types, including potential energy due to height (gravitational potential energy) and due to the tension inherent to a spring (elastic potential energy). Ug = mgh, where g is the acceleration due to gravity. Ue = (1/2)kx^2, where k is the spring constant and x is the distance the spring is stretched in meters. Although the universe follows the Law of Conservation of Energy, mechanical energy is not necessarily conserved. This means that mechanical energy can transform into other types of energy and vice versa. For example, when a machine operates, some mechanical energy is lost to heat energy. The ratio of mechanical energy conserved to the energy lost to thermal energy is known as efficiency, and no machines have 100% efficiency (no heat loss). On the other hand, non-mechanical energy such as electrical energy can convert to kinetic energy in situations when the electric potential of a capacitor powers the movement of a particle through the capacitor.

How does mechanical energy help you in your daily life?

machanist is a medium for energy. That energy from fossil fuels. The sun. Wind. water. and... consequencing has come with different means to turn into mechanical energy. And this mechanical energy in a process turned again to prove or electrical energy or movement.Answer: Improve Here are the different types of mechanical energy: 1) Kinetic energy - the energy associated with moving along a path ("kinetic energy of translation") or spinning ("kinetic energy of rotation") 2) Gravitational potential energy - energy that is stored or released as an object moves up or down in a gravitational field 3) Elastic potential energy - energy that is stored or released as an elastic object (like a spring or a rubber band) is deformed or relaxes --------------------------------------… An example: Imagine you see an uninflated red balloon sitting on the ground. It's not moving, so it has no kinetic energy. It's not inflated, so the rubber isn't stretched at all -- no potential energy has been stored in stretching the rubber. And it's sitting at ground level, so it's gravitational potential energy is zero as well. You are looking at a red balloon with no mechanical energy (remember the mechanical energy is the kinetic and potential energies all added together). You're feeling winsome today, so you pick up the balloon and blow it up and hold the opening pinched between your fingers. Is its mechanical energy still zero? Well, the kinetic energy is still zero, it's sitting right there in your hand. How about potential energy? Aha, you have stretched the rubber and stored up energy that way. Yes, and you also picked it up off the ground and moved it higher -- it now has some gravitational potential energy, too. Now you let the balloon go, and it flies up and away from you. Now, finally, there is some kinetic energy. There's a little more gravitational potential energy than before you let it go (because it is flying higher). And what about the elastic potential energy? It's getting smaller because the balloon is shrinking (becoming less stretched), and that potential energy is being transformed into the kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy of the now-moving balloon. When the balloon is completely deflated, its elastic potential energy will be zero, its gravitational potential energy will peak, and then begin to decrease. Its kinetic energy will increase proportionally as it falls (ignoring air resistance). Just before the balloon reaches the ground, its gravitational potential energy will be zero, and all its energy will be kinetic. After it hits the ground, the sum of its kinetic and potential energies, i.e. its mechanical energy, will again be zero. -------------------- Another example Mechanical energy (more specifically, electrical energy) can be explained by the ever growing sector of hybrid cars that use the energy generated by a typically underpowered engine coupled with a small electric engine. The development of brake energy regeneration, is what recharges the large battery that supplements the gas engine. During braking, the system will store energy in the battery, containing it as potential energy until is it required to power the vehicle, using it as kinetic energy! The principle of potential and kinetic energy is so broad, hundreds, maybe thousands, of examples can be fitted to the idea.

What does mechanical energy do?

It is an energy that is done through machines.

What does mechanical energy?

It is an energy that is done through machines.

What is the role industries play in noise pollution?

Most industries have heavy machines that are mechanical in nature. The mechanical nature of such machines while in operation is what leads to noise pollution.

Are energy conversion devices and machines the same?

Energy conversion I would say means converting say thermal energy to mechanical, or mechanical to electrical, or other conversions you can think of. Now some machines do this, like electrical generators, or electric motors which is the same but in reverse. Other machines are just mechanical, like a gearbox for example, mechanical energy in and mechanical energy out. So the word machine is more general, energy conversion devices are a sub-set of machines.