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A. cleaning chemicals. B. airborne pathogens.

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kathy joseph

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3y ago
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kathy joseph

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its it A. B. C. D

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Q: What food allergy occurs when the body has a reaction to?
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Why is patient allergic to all dyes?

dyes food and heir dyes cause allergy its body immune system reaction

What is a cyclic food allergy?

Cyclic food allergies: These allergies are far more common but less understood. Delayed food allergy symptoms can take up to three days to appear. This type of reaction is associated with the body's immunoglobin G (IgG) or antibodies.

How do people get Allergies?

A food allergy is naturally obtained by the individual's body thinking that allergens in the food are harmful and sending antibodies to fight it. This gives an allergic reaction. It's basically your body getting confused.

What are food allergy and food intolerance?

Food allergy and food intolerance are not the same thing. Food allergy means that your immune system attacks the food because it is mistaken for an invading organism. Whereas, food intolerance (typically, lactose intolerance) is a difficulty in digesting that type of food due to insufficient secretiion of digestive enzymes (lactase, in the case of lactose intolerance).

What is the food reaction shared by about 3 million Americans?

Peanut Allergy

Can you have an allergic reaction to grapes?

Yes, you can. It may be an allergy or a food intolerance.

What is a food allergy?

Food allergy is an immune system reaction that occurs soon after eating a certain food. Even a tiny amount of the allergy-causing food can trigger signs and symptoms such as digestive problems, hives or swollen airways. In some people, a food allergy can cause severe symptoms or even a life-threatening reaction known as anaphylaxis. Food allergy affects an estimated 6 to 8 percent of children under age 5, and about 3 to 4 percent of adults. While there's no cure, some children outgrow their food allergy as they get older. It's easy to confuse a food allergy with a much more common reaction known as food intolerance. While bothersome, food intolerance is a less serious condition that does not involve the immune system. For some people, an allergic reaction to a particular food may be uncomfortable but not severe. For other people, an allergic food reaction can be frightening and even life-threatening. Food allergy symptoms usually develop within a few minutes to two hours after eating the offending food. Food allergies can occur even the first time you eat a food. The most common food allergy symptoms include: 1.Tingling or itching in the mouth 2.Hives, itching or eczema 3.Swelling of the lips, face, tongue and throat, or other parts of the body 4.Wheezing, nasal congestion or trouble breathing 5.Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting 6.Dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting

What are food alergies?

Food allergy is an immune system reaction that occurs soon after eating a certain food. Even a tiny amount of the allergy-causing food can trigger signs and symptoms such as digestive problems, hives or swollen airways. In some people, a food allergy can cause severe symptoms or even a life-threatening reaction known as anaphylaxis. Food allergy affects an estimated 6 to 8 percent of children under age 5, and about 3 to 4 percent of adults. While there's no cure, some children outgrow their food allergy as they get older. It's easy to confuse a food allergy with a much more common reaction known as food intolerance. While bothersome, food intolerance is a less serious condition that does not involve the immune system. For some people, an allergic reaction to a particular food may be uncomfortable but not severe. For other people, an allergic food reaction can be frightening and even life-threatening. Food allergy symptoms usually develop within a few minutes to two hours after eating the offending food. Food Allergies can occur even the first time you eat a food. The most common food allergy symptoms include: 1.Tingling or itching in the mouth 2.Hives, itching or eczema 3.Swelling of the lips, face, tongue and throat, or other parts of the body 4.Wheezing, nasal congestion or trouble breathing 5.Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting 6.Dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting

What does food allergy testing consist of?

Yes, you're doctor can perform an allergy test. With an allergy test, your doctor will prick your skin with a very small sample of different foods you could be allergic to. If you have a reaction, then you've found a food you are allergic to.

If you had a peanut allergy would eating peanuts immediately make you sick?

Not necessarily. I have a very severe peanut allergy and recently had a reaction. It took me a good hour to even realize I'd eaten something with peanuts in it and then I had a secondary reaction as my body processed the peanut-laden food about 2-3 hours after that. ALWAYS carry an epi pen, benedryl, and your allergy medication with you. Xyzal saved my life when I took three at once after this reaction.

Can an allergy cause an allergic reaction of pain in the back of the neck and shoulders?

I get neck pain from food allergies

What is a common food allergy?

When the body's immune system reacts abnormally to something a person eats or drinks, it is known as a common food allergy. Many types of foods can be allergens, but certain foods are much more likely than others to trigger an allergic reaction. A food allergy may affect the skin, the gastrointestinal tract, or the respiratory or cardiovascular systems.Eight foods are responsible for 90 percent of food allergies like...tree nutseggspeanutsfishshellfishcow's