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Uranium and Plutonium are the only elements from the Actinides series that occur naturally on Earth, though they are rare.

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Q: Which two actinides occur naturally
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Most of the actinides occur naturally in the earths crust?

no they do not

Do most actinides occur naturally in the earth's crust?


Are most of the actinides occur naturally in earth's crust?

no they do not

What are two elements that occur naturally in the ground?

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What is the major difference between lanthanides and actinides?

Generally speaking, the lanthanides are naturally occurring and stable, although relatively uncommon. The actinides are naturally occurring through uranium; after that, they're synthetic, and all are unstable (radioactive.)

What are the two actinides that are used as nuclear fuel?

Both uranium and plutonium are actinides that are used as nuclear fuel.

Can gold occur naturally?

It DOES occur naturally. It is an ore. It is not man made.

Which chemicals occur naturally in the air?

I wouldn't say that many chemicals occur naturally in the air, however Oxygen and Nitrogen are the two main gases that make up the Earth's atmosphere.

Does Thallium occur naturally?

Thallium, discovered in 1861, does occur naturally, but not in its pure form.

What year was river lee built?

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What are Lanthanides and Actinides?

Elements. The Lanthanides are: Atomic No.575859606162636465666768697071NameLaCePrNdPmSmEuGdTbDyHoErTmYbLu The Actinides are:Atomic No.8990919293949596979899100101102103NameAcThPaUNpPuAmCmBkCfEsFmMdNoLr

Where does an elephant occur naturally?

There are two types - distinguishable by ear size. The African or the Indian elephant