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Carbon Dioxide and water

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Q: What 2 chemical substances were released when glucose was broken down?
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Substances are changed into different substances when bonds break and form during?

Chemical bonds are made and broken by chemical reactions. After chemical bonds have been broken, then energy is released, and if a chemical bond is made, then energy is absorbed.

What are substances that can be broken down to simpler substances?

Chemical compounds.

What are substances that can be broken down into simpler substances?

Chemical compounds.

What substances cannot be broken down into any other substances by physical or chemical means?

All substances can be broken into any other substances (or elements) by chemical or physical methods.

What chemical is broken down by respiration?

glucose is broken down by cellular respiration

What is chemical energy and how is energy released?

chemical energy is energy found in substances. energy is never lost or gained (remember that) . you can measure the energy and release energy by heating substances. This way energy is released when the compounds heated are broken down.

Where is energy released from living cells following the complete breakdown of glucose?


What 2 substances are produced in cellular respiration when glucose is broken apart?

oxygen and nutrients/food are taken in, and carbon dioxide and waste are transferred out. The main chemical is energy which is released from cellular respiration.

What energy is release when the chemical bonds of glucose are broken?