

What 2 compounds make up most of the cell membrane?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What 2 compounds make up most of the cell membrane?
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What is the thin outer boundary of an animal cell?

The cell membrane. It is a lipid bilayer with proteins integrated into it for transportation into and out of the cell.

How I can use cell membrane in a sentences?

cell membrane is the most outer part of a cell. cell membrane is very big in surface.

What is the protective barrier of a cell?

Either the cell membrane, or the cell wall. The cell membrane is most common in animals, and protists, whereas some monerans, and most plants and fungi have a cell wall.

Where in the cell membrane are most receptor proteins embedded?

Most receptors are located in the outer cell membrane.

Do lipids play a important fact in the cell Membrane?

Yes - they make up most of it.

Which component of the cell is most directly involved in maintaining the cell's homeostasis?

the outer membrane

WHAT IS THE cell most responsible for maintaining homeostasis in all cell?

The cell most responsible for maintaining homeostasis in the body is the epithelial cell. Epithelial cells form tight barriers between different compartments of the body, regulate the movement of substances in and out of cells, and help maintain the balance of ions and nutrients. Their functions contribute to overall cellular homeostasis.

What part of the cell is most important in maintaining homeostasis?

The cell membrane is the most important in maintaining homeostasis. This is because the cell membrane controls what goes in and out of the cell.

Most membrane functions are carried out by which component of the membrane?

Most membrane functions are carried out by proteins. The cell membrane is important because it protects what is inside the cell from outside damage.

What kinds of lipids make up the bilayer that forms cell membranes-?

The most common type of cell membrane is a phospholipid.

What is located outside the cell membrane?

The cell membrane is the outer most layer of the cell. done by a 6th grader